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Kiwi Travel Website
UX, Bootstrap
UX designer, Devloper
9 weeks
It is my other personal project named Kiwi Travel.
This is a digital product that provides users with travel packages via an online website.
Start with UX design, and end with a website to go online.
What is Kiwi Travel?
Our mission is to give people a chance to have an unmemorable travel experience in New Zealand.
Also, as the slogan said "New experience in New Zealand.", we hope through the traveler program,
not only provide unique travel packages for travelers who come from different countries, also
by tour guides of the traveler program to let more people know about New Zealand culture and
make the traveling memory more special than before.
Business Goal
Encourage people to buy travel packages on the website, and share this with more people that want to join our travel program.
User Goal
Find out more useful information about travel packages in New Zealand, and have a chance to experience them.
Do a user research
Before starting to do the wireframe, I do an online questionnaire to understand the potential users' needs.
Here are some questions that I listed:
It could be found out from the result of questionnaire (Includes 16 samples)
62% : Mostly are women.
60% : Haven't been to New Zealand, but would like to go.
62% : Would be interested in "Travel Program".
Use the result of the questionnaire to make a persona like the picture below.
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